La menthe poivrée


Peppermint is a hybrid of sweet mint and water mint. It belongs to the Mentha x piperita family.

Yes, there are several types of mint :)

Peppermint has many properties common to sweet mint, what differs is the menthol concentration. It is considered to have the highest concentration in the mint family. Its taste is more spicy and we feel a strong sensation of freshness due to the large quantity of menthol in this plant.

Always dilute essential oil with a neutral oil to avoid burns

Advice for use with the agreement of your doctor. During bouts of fatigue, digestive pain, nausea, constipation, etc.
Put 2 drops of peppermint essential oil on a sugar and take it in the morning. Avoid overdose of sugar and essential oil. For diabetics, or people who avoid sugar, you can use neutral pastilles where you will place the drops of essential oil.
For stress and ENT pain, massage the temples with a little essential oil.


We have known these virtues since antiquity, it is used for several reasons:

  • ENT problem: Peppermint has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. The concentration of menthol allows a direct action on the respiratory tract and reduces inflammation. It is a very effective plant against sinusitis, migraines, headaches (application to the temples), nasopharyngitis.
  • Engorged liver: Relieves the liver. It has a cholagogue effect: stimulates the secretion of bile and choleretic: facilitates the release of bile. In the form of herbal tea it can have a combined effect on the liver, ENT problems, etc. During liver detoxification, mint tea can be of great help. (Do not use excessively and always seek the advice of your doctor)
  • Digestion: Facilitates digestion and reduces nausea. It helps relax the intestine, reduces bloating and relieves pain and intestinal spasms. It has also been shown to have an action against irritable bowel syndrome (1)
  • Blood circulation: Reduces the effect of heavy or swollen legs by reactivating blood circulation (Massage). The menthol in peppermint essential oil will increase blood flow, and has a cooling sensation that can be a big help for pain.
  • Scalp: Relieves scalp irritation and stimulates hair regrowth during an oil bath in addition to a neutral oil and other complementary oils. In a 2014 study, they observed an increase in hair regrowth in mice compared to minoxidil…
  • Rich in vitamin: Several vitamins essential for the proper functioning of the body are found in this plant. It is rich in manganese, magnesium, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, vitamins B9 – E – C – A – K
  • Cosmetic: has toning, refreshing, healing and stimulating properties. It is often used in masks, lotions and many beauty products.
  • Anti-stress and anxiety: Relieves physical fatigue and gives the person a boost. It improves concentration and reduces symptoms like stress-related headaches and anxiety.


Contraindication :

Like any product, it should not be consumed excessively; it is not recommended for gallstone or liver problems. Peppermint allows the secretion of bile and its elimination, this can lead to problems with the functioning of the gallbladder in particular.

Avoid in epileptic children under 5 years old.

Consume mint preferably 1 to 2 hours before and after a meal to avoid any problems with gastric reflux and abdominal pain.

Consumed in too large quantities, mint can cause headaches, digestive problems and an increase in blood pressure. Like all plants, mint also has these negative effects if it is used in excess and without medical advice during drug treatments. There may be interactions with other cardiac treatments because it is a calcium channel blocker. Always seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist in the event of drug treatment.

Mint is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women or anemic people. Although it is rich in iron, it prevents the proper absorption of iron by the body and can lead to the opposite effect, namely a reduction in the quantity of iron in the body. However, iron is essential for the well-being of the person and in particular for pregnant and breastfeeding women to have the right daily ratio of vitamins for the child.

Mint-based recipe ideas : peppermint tea, herbal tea, cake, sorbet….

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